Make food
I am now in Guinea Conakry, and I am in its capital, Conakry. Here, I must apply for a visa to Sierra Leone
I had crossed the border of Guinea Bissau to Guinea Conakry by a path which was shown on the map as a solid road. The last cars that had passed here must have been a long time ago because it now looks more like a jungle path. It took me three days to cross that way which left me totally exhausted.
As I told you before the people here are very hospitable and the jungles were no exception. I was invited in one village to stay in a straw house and whilst there I suddenly I heard a shot in the house next door. It was nearly impossible to believe that a Cobra snake had been shot.
I was a little surprised by this event in the village and the people said to me that it was quite normal. There were a lot of Cobra's here and that many children were bitten and since died. I must admit that I didn't sleep so well that night, even though I was told that there wouldn't be any more Cobra's around. Here, they do not eat cobras as they are too small and since they are shot in the head the poison spreads into the bloodstream of the animal and the meat spoils.
Nature is very nice here and there are plenty of volcanic formations. Many of the rivers and streams are cold. Pools are crystal clear and cold. This is almost like the Norwegian mountain lakes. I was a bit surprised by the cool water in this heat. But I was told that because pools are surrounded by trees and shrubs the water keeps cold. It's so pleasant to cool down in this heat, even if there are lots of snakes around, I like to swim. I learned quickly to splash the water and make a lot of noise.
I was invited by a man who had at least 5 women and 25 children. That was a little different experience; his family hierarchy.
I'm not feeling well; I was suffering of diarrhea and lack of appetite. The family where I live here (in Conakry) took me to the doctor. He gave a lot of pills. Let's see if they help?
I have been invited by a friend, an old colleague of mine in Freetown, to visit him. He helps support some projects. I will be visiting him in a few days. How we live in such a small world!
My brother got angry with me because I have not been writing to him and I haven’t asked his help as much as I should be. I have apologized and will be writing to him more often about the people who have been helping me so far.
Kristina Southhard,who is my friend in Seattle, has helped me a lot, had sadly contracted cancer whilst I was there and had surgery. She is now on the path to recovery. She now gets the same support and assistance that I got from friends and such friendly people from Seattle. They have often proved it many times before. She was my agent as long as I was there and she helped me with this media campaign. She also helped me throughout my travels in Canada.
Jeanette helped me during my tour through Canada in the winter. She called all Norwegian clubs, bike shops, and cycle clubs. In the meantime she has moved to South Carolina to stay with her parents. With her help, my tour became very interesting and I met many friendly interesting people through her.
Hei Rune! Du er fortsatt dristig og tapper!!! Jeg kom tilbake til Canada for noen uker siden men drar til Rondane Norge i slutten av september. Jeg har kjoept meg ny sykkel "Bionx" hybrid med 350w lion-batteri som jeg kommer til aa bruke saa mye som mulig i stedetfor bilen min! Jeg tenker "green" mest mulig! Haaper magen din greier kosten i Afrika....hold deg borte fra raa groennsaker ...i saer salat...og slanger! Stor klem fra Margaret og Montreal.
I am sallieu b kamara in sierra leone and i was fortunate to see the viking biker who stopped in our internet cafe at ferry junction peace market in freetown we talked a lot about the hospitality of the people of sierra leone. he told me about a village he passed through called rokuprr inthe north of sierra leone.he said that the native admired at him as if he came from another planet. I gave permission to one of my workers by the name of Hassan kargbo to guide to the finance ministry.
I am sallieu b kamara in sierra leone and i was fortunate to see the viking biker who stopped at Danneh our internet cafe at ferry junction peace market in freetown we talked a lot about the hospitality of the people of sierra leone. he told me about a village he passed through called rokuprr inthe north of sierra leone.he said that the native admired at him as if he came from another planet. I gave permission to one of my workers by the name of Hassan kargbo to guide to the finance ministry.
I am sallieu b kamara in sierra leone and i was fortunate to see the viking biker who stopped at Danneh internet cafe at ferry junction peace market in freetown we talked a lot about the hospitality of the people of sierra leone. he told me about a village he passed through called rokuprr inthe north of sierra leone.he said that the native admired at him as if he came from another planet. I gave permission to one of my workers by the name of Hassan kargbo to guide to the finance ministry.
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